19 March 2007

Poetry Slam in Montpelier hosted by Yours Truly:
Tuesday, April 3 from 7-9pm
at Bear Pond Books
info: 802-229-0774

16 March 2007

Youth in black, youth in revolt, in gothic droves of hilarity and self-esteem, the kind that allows them to pretend to be disenfranchised with their cell phone swapping, hair hanging down in eyes, tight, black clothes, swigging from bottles of birch beer, pretend beat group. Oh that youth! The only reason I'm so sour about them is that I am no longer one of them.
A January Poem

As infants wide open
as this winter sky
the sun through a snowy haze
and condensation on the
window panes

as open as death
which is clear but blurry
not even a focal point
like this pale green
dragonfly etched in round glass
elements open
in the wind.